Our Services

Brand Narrative

Every brand has its own story. What’s yours?

Our online co-creation workshop helps you build your story and tell it to the world. Let’s do it together.

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What is the Brand Narrative Workshop?

A brand is like a person: it has an identity, personality, purpose and unique story. In just 3 hours we’ll help you define these elements of your brand, to build a solid foundation for EVERYTHING your company produces in the future.

Why should you do this workshop?

  • Because it helps you better understand and communicate with your clients.

  • Because it helps you understand and communicate your value proposition.

  • Because it defines your brand’s personality as a reference point to start designing.

  • Because it aligns your team so they have common language to talk about the brand and make brand-aligned decisions.

  • Because it helps you position yourself in comparison to the competition.

Add voice!

This workshop forms a foundation to continue building your brand. After completing the workshop, you can choose to add a Brand Messaging Guide.

This document–which will help you generate copy now and years in the future–includes brand voice and tone, messaging for different audiences, grammar rules, voice of customer research, and more.

What do our clients have to say about the workshop?

“It was a very helpful process for Stonehaven to think conceptually about our brand positioning and narrative which informed our downstream workflows with Indicius”

David Frank - Stonehaven

“It has been a very powerful tool for us that we still use as a strategic resource to this day.”

Alex Phelan - Merchadise

“It gave Kapital a sense of direction, a compass to follow along a long and uncertain path. At the end of the workshop, Kapital had clearly identified its mission, values, reason for existing and goals to be met.”

Maximiliano Britez - Kapital

Visit Case Study

See the power of this
workshop in practice

How the Brand Narrative Workshop helped Paraguay’s first 100% online bank build a stand-out brand.

Let’s write your story together

Tell us a little more and we’ll get the ball rolling